2023 ESC-ESS Joint Annual Meeting Organizing Committee

General Chair  - Tyler Wist (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)

Scientific Program Co-Chairs - Meghan Vankosky (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), Sean Prager (University of Saskatchewan) & Stefanie deHeij (University of Saskatchewan)

Local Arrangements Chair - Iain Phillips(Water Security Agency)

Treasurer - Dwayne Hegedus (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)

Registration - Meghan Vankosky (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), info@esc-sec.ca

Secretary - Danielle Stephens

Culture Committee - James Tansey (Government of Saskatchewan), Stefanie deHeij (University of Saskatchewan) & Georgiana Antochia-Crihan (University of Saskatchewan)

Graduate Student Showcase  - Berenice Romero (University of Saskatchewan) & ESC Student Committee

Awards Committee -

Banquet and Receptions -

Fundraising Committee - Jeff Boone (City of Saskatoon) & Berenice Romero (University of Saskatchewan)

Audio-Visual - Aaron Bell (University of Saskatchewan)

Promotions - Stephen Srayko (University of Saskatchwan), Marianna Horn (University of Saskatchwan) & Georgiana Antochia-Crihan (University of Saskatchewan)

Social Media - Berenice Romero (University of Saskatchewan) & Ashley Wells (University of Saskatchewan)

Website - Marianna Horn (University of Saskatchewan)

Associated Meetings -