Instructions to Presenters
Oral Presentations
Presentations in the Contributed Talks sessions and President’s Prize Oral sessions will be limited to 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions. Moderators will be asked to strictly adhere to the 15 minute time limit for each speaker as there will be concurrent sessions. Presenters will need to download their presentations (preferred in PPTX format) to a conference laptop in the Verona Room in advance of their presentation, at least two coffee/lunch breaks before their scheduled presentation time. Ideally, all presenters will upload their presentation when they pick up their registration packages from the Registration Desk. Using a USB stick or other portable device is advised. Please format file names as: “First Name_Last Name_Presentation Day and Time.”
We have ample space for posters! The maximum poster dimensions should be 1.2 m high x 1.2 m wide (4 feet wide x 4 feet high). Posters can be set up starting at noon on Sunday, October 15 (until 19:00 Sunday evening) and must be set up by noon on Monday, October 16. Posters are assigned a number (please see the Short Program) and should be set up in the space allocated. Pins or Velcro will be provided for set up, depending on the type of board. Poster presenters should be in attendance for the full duration of the poster session, from 17:00 to 18:00 h on Monday, October 16. The posters entered in the President’s Prize competition will be judged during this time. Posters may be taken down at the presenter’s discretion after the poster session is completed, but must be removed before the Banquet on Tuesday, October 17.